Pregnancy Massage for Different Trimesters: A Guide for Anchorage Moms

Pregnancy is an exciting time in a pregnant mother's life.

Brainstorming cute baby names, shopping for the sweetest little baby clothes at Midtown boutiques, designing an Alaskan-themed nursery, dealing with strange sensations in your body, navigating debilitating fear, just wanting your pregnancy to be over already…

Wait a minute. You're not supposed to talk about that part…. right?

Let's get real.

You're swollen. You're tired. Your emotions are all over the place. You vomit. You leak… things. And you're constantly wondering if everything is okay "in there." 

Yes, pregnancy is beautiful. And yes, it's fun and exciting. But pregnancy is hard. Like, really, really hard.

You feel lonely and embarrassed. Sometimes, you're angry, and you don't know why. Sometimes, you just… need… a… minute!!!

That's where Anchorage Massage Therapies can help.


We've got you.

A prenatal massage from Anchorage Massage Therapies can make navigating the ups and downs of a pregnancy much more manageable. Plus, we take insurance! Click here to learn more.

Our prenatal massage therapists are both moms, and they find it rewarding to give their pregnant clients a safe space to vent their fears and frustrations, relax for an hour, and be pampered.

In today's blog, we'll talk about how prenatal or pregnancy massage can help regulate your emotions and ease common pregnancy symptoms, no matter what trimester you're in. 

We're here to help. With the gas, with the bloating.. even with the… whatever.

Let's dive in.

First Trimester: Gentle Beginnings

The first trimester is a period of significant changes.

As your body begins the incredible process of nurturing a baby, you may experience symptoms like fatigue, morning sickness, and emotional rollercoasters. A pregnancy massage at this stage focuses on gentle, non-invasive techniques that nurture YOU.

Our massage therapists usually use Swedish Massage with light strokes to help you relax and relieve muscle tension without putting too much pressure on your body. 

Gentle massage in the neck, shoulders, and back helps alleviate discomfort and promote a deep sense of relaxation and overall well-being.

This stage of pregnancy often causes anxiety as you adjust to all of the changes in your body and the reality of your pregnancy. Therapeutic massage, especially from a compassionate provider, can help ease your fears and boost your mental health.

Prenatal massage in the first trimester helps:

  • Release endorphins. Therapeutic massage releases endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers and help to reduce the stress you may be feeling about your pregnancy.

  • Improve your mood. The gentle, nurturing touch of a pregnancy massage in the first trimester can have a calming effect on your nervous system, which can help lift your mood and ease feelings of sadness or emotional volatility, common in the early stages of pregnancy.

  • Promote relaxation and sleep. Difficulty sleeping is a common symptom of pregnancy in the first trimester. Because massage aids in relaxation, it can also help you fall asleep and promote better sleep quality, significantly impacting your mental health.

  • Encourage self-compassion. By treating yourself to a massage, you're acknowledging and accepting that you need support during this time of your life. Practicing self-compassion can have a positive impact throughout your pregnancy.

Pregnancy massage also helps improve your circulation and boost your lymphatic system, which can help transport waste materials out of your body to relieve nausea. Additionally, prenatal massage therapy can improve the function of your digestive system, which can be beneficial in managing nausea.

During the first trimester, our massage therapists pay special attention to your neck, back, and shoulders to help relieve the muscle tension and pain the first trimester can bring.

We'll ensure you're comfortable on our massage tables and do our best to make the first trimester the best it can be.

Second Trimester: Adapting to Changes

As you enter the second trimester, your baby's growth becomes more evident, and your body undergoes more noticeable changes. This period often brings relief from early pregnancy symptoms but introduces new challenges like back pain and leg swelling.

As your belly grows, lying flat on your back may become uncomfortable and inadvisable. Pregnancy massage during this trimester often involves side-lying positions or using specially designed cushions for support. Our massage therapists have plenty of pillows to help get you comfortable and ensure your and your baby's safety.

During the second trimester, your center of gravity shifts, which can cause soreness in your back and hips. Prenatal massage works to help ease the soreness by boosting blood flow.

Our massage therapists also focus more on your legs and feet to help reduce swelling. Gentle abdominal massage can also be beneficial.

Therapeutic massage in the second trimester helps to:

  • Relieving sciatic nerve pain: The weight of your uterus can put pressure on your sciatic nerve, leading to sciatica. Pregnancy massage can help release the tension in nearby muscles and help get you out of pain.

  • Easing joint pain and discomfort: As your body prepares for childbirth, it releases the hormone relaxin, which loosens ligaments and joints in your pelvic area. Massage can help relieve the pain and pressure this may cause.

  • Improving skin elasticity: As your belly expands, your skin stretches, which can be uncomfortable and itchy. Our Anchorage massage therapists always use apricot kernel oil, which improves elasticity, reduces inflammation, and has Vitamins E and K to nourish the skin. It smells great, too!

During the second trimester, you may need therapeutic massage in one part of your body and lymphatic drainage massage in another part of your body. Our prenatal massage therapists design a custom treatment just for you every time.

Third Trimester: Preparing for Birth

The final trimester is a time of rapid growth and preparation for the birth of your baby. Your discomfort may intensify as your baby reaches full size, and there may be increased anxiety about labor and delivery.

Our focus during your third trimester is your comfort. We'll work with you to determine the best position to lay during your massage and discuss your needs to decide what areas to focus on.

During the third trimester, prenatal massage therapy can help:

  • Relieve back pain: The additional weight of your baby can often lead to back pain. Therapeutic massage can help ease sore muscles and reduce tension in the back, especially the lower lumbar region.

  • Reduce swelling: Swelling in the legs and feet is expected in the third trimester due to increased fluid retention and decreased circulation. Massage therapy increases blood flow and lymphatic flow, which can ease swelling.

  • Improve sleep: Many women find it challenging to get comfortable during this stage of pregnancy, making it difficult to fall asleep. Pregnancy massage brings a deep sense of relaxation, which can help foster a good night's sleep.

  • Prepare your body for childbirth: Regular massage therapy promotes flexibility in your pelvic muscles and joints, benefiting a smooth labor and recovery process.

We'll also focus on techniques to help you prepare your mind for labor. Our Anchorage massage therapists aim to create a safe space for relaxation and emotional release.

Pregnancy massage anchorage

Throughout All Trimesters

No matter what stage of pregnancy you're in, regular massage sessions tailored to your changing body provide the most benefits.

Our Anchorage therapeutic massage therapists may also incorporate gentle stretching and movement into the massage session to relieve tension and promote circulation.

And as we mentioned, we're here to provide emotional support, too. Our massage therapists are well-versed in the mind-body connection, and we take a holistic approach to treating all of our clients.

Anchorage pregnancy massage gift card

Do you know someone who could use a pregnancy massage therapy session? Make their day with an Anchorage Massage Therapies gift card.

Postnatal Considerations

The benefits of therapeutic massage don't end with childbirth. Postnatal massage can aid in recovery, provide emotional support, and help adjust to motherhood.

Consider a lymphatic drainage massage after childbirth to help your body detoxify and heal. Lymphatic drainage massage helps to clear the body of waste and toxins, which can help you heal faster.

Plus, lymphatic drainage massage activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which can help you sleep better, feel calmer, and boost your immune system during the first few months of parenthood.

Let us take care of you.

There's so much to take care of when expecting a baby (especially if it’s number 2… or 3!)

We're here to take care of YOU.

Prenatal massage offers a beautiful way to support your body and mind throughout the unique journey of each trimester. 

By understanding and adapting to the changes of each stage, you can enjoy a more comfortable and joyful pregnancy experience. 

Whether you're dealing with swelling or swooning, a sore back or a snack attack, hemorrhoids to cute toys, here's to a healthier, more relaxed journey to motherhood. We've got you, Anchorage moms. 


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